Big Business and Low Code

Only with accessible, easy to implement and use technology, Large Companies will be able to face the upcoming economic crisis.

Austerity will be one of the most used words in the Boards of Directors of the Big Companies, with 18-24 months where companies around the world will have to make adjustments to navigate this health crisis. There will be less spending and less people hired; and therefore, creative solutions must be found to solve day-to-day problems and improve the costumer experience. All companies agree that the way to do this is through technology, relying on automation to spend less and get the same or better results.

The IT Departments of companies across the world are filled with requests from each of the departments of the company, requirements to build solutions to automate their daily processes, improve customer experience, and contact with clients and suppliers. The IT staff cannot deal with so much demand, and prioritizes those requests that keep the company running, forcing each Department to find a way to solve their own problems and to continue using spreadsheets.

The Boards of Directors know that Digitalization is an essential step to face this and future crisis, but they see it as complex and difficult to handle, because each area has specific needs, so this cannot be addressed with a broad process for the entire company, and so they leave it to each department of the company to find a way to go from analog to digital.

Thus, the Managers of each Area of a company will go out there to find the technology they need or contact their usual suppliers, realizing that much of the innovation that is seen as the solution to the crisis, is expensive and difficult to use, or it is cheap but not flexible. It is here where the door for Low Code opens, as an accessible and user-friendly technology, capable of improving the business climate, streamlining day-to-day activities and enabling all departments to create their own solutions.

Low Code allows each Department to create its own solutions, without the need to expand their IT area and enabling the rest of the staff so that they can work hand in hand with Developers and build the Web Solutions they need. This technology can be created in weeks, even days, so change flows in no time. In case the application needs and upgrade or update, there is no need to start from scratch or redo all the work.

This adds to the fact that the technology in a Big Company must be able to connect with the Core System, so Low Code expedites integration, allowing the Department Solution to link with the Central Systems and communicate with the rest of the applications of the other areas, without the typical problems of integration or complex migrations.

This ensures that each area of the company is working with the technology it needs, generated according to the staff requirements, but perfectly linked with the rest of the areas, thus crossing data and building joint campaigns and objectives, guaranteeing a better information flow, which facilitates decision making processes. The burden is removed from the IT Department, who can then focus on improving the Core System of the Company.

Although it is believed that a Big Company has more room to maneuver than a SME, this is not the case, they have little margin for failure, so they must hire the right technology to succeed in navigating the Covid-19 crisis.

Without a doubt, the best thing they can do is open the door to Low Code.

By: Raúl Martín López




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