No more fear of Coding

A codeless world will take a long, long time to be here, so it is our job to make coding simple to allow everyone to learn it.

Coding is the main barrier between IT native and non-IT people, and the latter view it as something complex, difficult to learn.

True, you may be baffled when you look at a page of code, but I guarantee that if you spend a couple hours observing each component, you will realize that it is just like any other language: learning to program is essentially like learning a new language, but with instructions that execute visible actions. Things may get a bit complex, depending on how robust the application is.

Different platforms or apps that claim they can help you create applications or portals with not even the slightest insight on programming have long tried to demolish this barrier. And overall, they deliver, and allow you to create a more or less complex project, but each time with a limit, so if you want to grow there are two options: you either hire a programmer or you learn code.

The democratization of technology does not involve the end of coding, because as I have said repeatedly, it is impossible to do so. The key is to simplify coding and teach people how to use it through practice, starting with visuals, dragging and dropping objects, and gradually introducing them to coding with just a few lines, many of which are due to run automatically.

Just by using a little code, people will understand what it is and how it works.

Coding is like Written Language, no matter how many times we hear that an image is worth a thousand words, or that Social Media bets on audiovisual elements, words are still necessary to communicate messages. Images and video clips cannot communicate it all, they need words. Written language does have the ability to explain any situation, but when combined with images, it is even more powerful.

The same should happen with application development. Using the best of visual models, the so-called No-Code and complementing it with the use of coding, but simplifying the way it is programmed, optimizing the lines used, so that people who want to learn from scratch, do not face endless pages to run actions; because another problem that programming has dragged on since its inception, is the excess of lines used to create a page -in my life, I have seen HTML pages that seem to never end.

We must change this mindset, let?s use again written words as an example: An idea is better expressed with fewer words than many.

If we want Non-IT people to be able to create powerful applications and not only prototypes or first drafts, we must bet on a hybrid model, which uses No-Code elements, drag and drop objects, visual interfaces and also simple-automated code, with few programming lines to run complex actions. This can be enabled because the development platform behind it runs the processes needed for the development instructions to work perfectly.

On the other hand, developers benefit from eliminating repetitive tasks and can create applications with a better Look and Feel, which is usually a pet peeves for developers. Optimizing code allows junior programmers to build applications like seniors, and seniors can create even more complex solutions.

From the trenches of the IT careers, we must not be tempted to keep application development as something complicated and stop thinking that visual model applications are toys for non-IT people to have fun. We must bet on this new model which, if properly applied, will benefit both worlds, as it will allow us to develop more and better technology in less time.

In short, coding will not cease to exist for a long time, maybe in 50 years we will no longer need it, but surely, we will not live to see that, and so we must work so that people without previous knowledge learn to live with it, and simplify it to teach it more easily.

Breaking this barrier will be good for everyone.

By: Raúl Martín López




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